Alex Leon | Academy

Academy Courses

The Natural Lifestyles Online Academy
TNL has a range of digital training packages, with online products covering: The comprehensive methodology of Natural Seduction, meditation for social flow, massage & sexual mastery and productivity and lifestyle design.

The 5 Principles of Natural Seduction

James Marshall’s groundbreaking 5 week online course, unveiling the blueprint and practical application of Natural style seduction.
In depth lectures, infield breakdowns, weekly missions to work through and apply each week.

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Marshall Meditation Method 2.0

James Marshall shares his meditation secrets in this comprehensive, 6-week Online Course designed to remove social anxiety, help you become more confident, charismatic & easily experience flow state through practical and simple meditation tools.

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Alex Lèon Social Media Dating Guide

Ignite your seductive results, reduce flakes & learn new funnels for lifestyle success by joining TNL’s most exclusive Alex Lèon Social Media Dating Guide. An intensive training in the fundamentals & practice of digital seduction to build an online presence women cannot ignore.

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A Natural History

This combination of book and online course reveals James Marshall’s crazy backstory in his memoir, “A Natural History”. It contains dozens of video tutorials on evolving into a Natural Seducer, as well as the 6 Phases modules which help you chart the lifetime phases of your seduction and relationship map.

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Dating Accelerator

Learn the fundamentals of approaching, getting numbers and going on dates in a practical 3 week course. This field-tested course will guide you step-by-step on how to start approaching and meeting women in your everyday life.

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Sensual Massage Mastery

Shae Mathews delivers an incredibly practical guide to interegating sensual touch and erotic massage into your seduction and relationship life.

After 15 years of study and practice, Shae reveals his most powerful yet easy to learn tehniques for turning a woman into jelly in your hands.

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